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Amenity Forest & Woodland Management Plans


Urban Forestry Group assessment and management processes provide a practical solution to woodland improvement, restructuring, establishment plans, restocking regeneration and amenity forestry that can include:

  • Initial woodland survey and data collection to a specific brief.
  • Site plan divided into management compartments, features and woodland boundary land use.
  • Site description: access, watercourse, soil type, woodland use and any identified health and safety issues.
  • Analysis of survey data, hazards and constraints, conservation and ground flora if required.
  • Production of a woodland improvement plan, aims and objectives in agreement with the woodland owner.
  • Submission of plans for approval of works where site is covered by TPO or within a conservation area.

Urban Forestry Group has in excess of 15 years successful project experience in the management of woodland, trees in conservation areas, community woodland, discharging planning conditions, woodland business parks, residential developments and wooded recreational spaces.

References available upon request.