Enhancing Green Spaces with Geospatial Technology

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Landscape Design in Liverpool

Project Summary:

To obtain approval; Urban Forestry Group was asked to provide a detailed landscape design proposal at the scale of 1:200 for a nine plot residential housing scheme at Alamein Road in Huyton, Liverpool to satisfy ‘Planning Condition 9’ sections A – F as follows:

Planning Condition 9:

The development hereby permitted shall not be commenced until a detailed landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be submitted at a scale of 1:200 and shall include the following:

  1. The exact location and species of all existing trees and other planting to be retained.
  2. All proposals for new planting and turfing indicating the location, species, size, specifications, numbers and planting densities per sq m of all new planting.
  3. This shall include a minimum of 3 trees to the site frontage at a minimum size of 30-35cm girth.
  4. An outline specification for ground preparation.
  5. All proposed hard landscape elements and pavings, including layout materials and colours.
  6. The proposed arrangements and specifications for initial establishment maintenance and longer term maintenance of all planted and/or turfed areas.

Knowsley Council
Planning Department.

Site Layout Problems:

Analysis of the proposed site layout plan illustrated:

  • Six existing mature trees situated on the northern boundary to be removed as they conflict with the proposed car parking spaces.
  • Positioning of wooden planter boxes should be re-positioned in relation to public access.
  • Road edges are considered too narrow for pedestrian pathways adjacent to the site entrance.
  • The size of the three required trees [planning condition C above] to the site frontage at minimum 30-35cm girth are considered too large, given the space available.
  • Insufficient definition of the spatial outline / positions for the areas marked up as tarmac, block pavings and flagstone on the site plan.
  • This site is partly overlooked by residential housing with various boundary post and concrete panel fences, currently covered in graffiti and run down.

Landscape Design Recommendations:

  • Recommend to the client that we retain one mature tree that had a BS: 5837 ‘Trees in relation to Construction’ Category A rated tree.
  • Due to close proximity of car parking spaces reposition the six wooden planter boxes to allow for safe public access.
  • Plant up the narrow spaces adjacent and either side of the site entrance with decorative, evergreen Box hedging.
  • Use three smaller Heavy Standard trees at 3m – 4m height, to be planted at the site frontage.
  • Following the recommendations of the BS: 5837 Tree Survey; the proposed landscaping design as above was incorporated around the retained tree.

Final Landscape Proposal:

Introduced decorative seasonally flowering climbing plants to soften the boundary fence and selected small garden fruit trees to create a mini orchard which will provide screening between the properties.

The final landscape design also included detailed specifications for ground preparation, a 3 year management and establishment plan for trees, shrubs and turf; which was submitted to the client within one week for planning approval.

Urban Forestry Group satisfied the requirements of all the ‘planning condition 9’ [A-F] as above.

This landscape scheme has been approved by Knowsley Borough Council.

To discuss your landscaping design project requirements please telephone us on: 01244 325669.