Enhancing Green Spaces with Geospatial Technology

Available in the UK and Ireland

BS 5837: 2012 Arboricultural Method Statement

As your appointed arboriculturalist; the information produced in the ‘BS 5837 Tree Survey’ is now overlaid over your proposed site plan layout, and using the BS 5837 2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations your arboricultural method statement clearly demonstrates how the proposed development can be undertaken with minimal damage to the trees to be retained, both above and below ground level.

We clearly illustrate on your ‘BS 5837 tree survey’ site plan the recommended layout of the tree protective fencing, as part of a clearly documented and illustrative arboricultural method statement and tree protection plan to support your planning application. This work includes:

  • Assessment and tree protective measures for the removal of any existing structures such as: buildings, driveways and garages around trees that are to be retained.
  • We specify to scale on your ‘BS 5837 tree survey’ site plan the temporary installation of any ground protection that enables heavy plant to access the site; reducing to acceptable levels soil compaction and the associated damage to tree roots.
  • Recommendations for the installation of new porous hard surfacing materials for driveways, including drainage gulleys.
  • Tree protection plans for the foundation installation of new boundary treatments such as sections of sandstone walls and post and rail fencing around trees to be retained.
  • Where changes in ground levels are required to facilitate site entrance ways, access roads or skimming off of the top soil surface around trees, proposals are included to ensure trees are adequately protected as part of the arboricultural method statement and tree protection plan.
  • We also provide tree pruning proposals to ‘BS 3998 2010 Recommendations for tree work’ to enable crane deliveries of modular cabins or materials where site or road conditions dictate. We can also provide tree works contractor support and supervision statements, to enable tree work operations to proceed in agreement with local planning approval, including temporary road closure notices.

Site layout Information:

To produce you’re ‘BS 5837 arboricultural method statement; we provide a set of online site specific development questions, enabling you to easily provide specific answers: e.g. the depth and type of foundations including roof angles adjacent to tree canopies.

This is quickly submitted to us online, we then send you the ‘BS 5837 arboricultural method statement draft copy to finalise any minor revisions for your approval.